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Setting up MirageXR

Fridolin Wild edited this page Nov 15, 2024 · 19 revisions


Developers have to configure a few things before being able to run Unity-play or to compile apps for specific Build Targets. Additionally, there are optional (!) Corporate Design settings that are good to know about and that allow configuring different apps from the same build project.

The system utilises several APIs and packages that require API secrets etc. to be configured -- like IBM Watson, SketchFab, or Sentry. If these are not properly configured the way MirageXR expects them, some or all functionality will not work properly. For example, if IBM Watson credentials are not provided, Character Augmentations cannot use AI mode, and the app start will likely trigger some non-fatal errors.


Don't forget to set the desired build target (at the moment preferably Android!)


All good things start with cloning, so grab the link from the repository start page and clone into a local directory. If developing on Windows, remember that there is a 255-character limit to file paths, so you would want to clone into a directory high up in the hierarchy, if not top level.

git clone

Install git lfs

Some files in the repository are very large. This requires git lfs support. Install lfs support globally with this command:

git lfs install

Initialise git submodule

Some code moved to a separate 'core engine' library, lib-lee (short for Learning Experience Engine library). This requires initialisation of git:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Right Unity version

You can look up, which Unity version the project runs on by checking the ProjectSettings.txt. No other version is acceptable and you need to install exactly this version through UnityHub.

API keys


For all APIs to work when compiling, you will require the keys to be set up accordingly. If you have been invited to contribute, you should have received these keys as a set of files, or should have been granted access to the files.

The API keys need to be set up as follows:

  • SketchFab: The API id and secret need to be stored. To see how to generate these, see API documentation. You have to copy over three files you can obtain from the project team into this folder (which is in .gitignore and will not be syndicated!): /Assets/MirageXR/Common/Resources/Credentials. The three files are: SketchfabClient.asset, SketchfabClient.json, and SketchfabClientWithPassword.asset. Subsequently, the sketchfab data object and the sketchfab login with password data object need to be assigned: sketchfab-setup

  • new Sketchfab: place SketchfabSettings.asset into Assets/Resources/

  • IBM Watson: you need to put a non-tracked ibm-credentials.env file into the root folder to be able to build the natural language processing capabilities for the character models. You will need to add the API secret key credentials for the following IBM Watson services: Tone Analyzer, Assistant, Speech-to-text, Text-to-speech, and the language translator (optional) services. The file is listed below, just replace the %KEY% values with the according API secrets for each service provided by the IBM Watson dashboard. As with release 2.6 (develop branch from Feb 15 2024 onwards), we have phased out the assistant service and replaced it by openAI chatGPT support.

  • OpenAI: place file openai.txt into the folder Assets/Resources/ folder which contains the following
  • AI_server: place file AI_Server.txt into the folder Assets/Resources/ which contains the following:
  • Sentry: place the SentryOptions.asset into the folder Assets/Resources/Sentry/ so that the settings are loaded correctly. If you are creating the Sentry configuration by hand, make sure you set a valid DSN and turn off debug logging, so that no in-editor error messages get tracked through to Sentry. Once the file has been added, you can check that its settings were correctly read by opening Tools>Sentry - if this shows a DSN, then Sentry is correctly configured:


  • Sentry client token: Place the file SentryCliOptions.asset into the folder Assets/Plugins/Sentry/. It seems that you could potentially do a lot with the auth token, depending on the allowed scopes that were checked when generating it, e.g., changing settings in the workspace or reading the error logs (see also We therefore have excluded this file as well via the .gitignore and you will have to place it as Assets/Plugins/Sentry/SentryCliOptions.asset manually. Once the file has been added, you can validate that its settings were correctly read by opening Tools>Sentry and checking if it shows an Auth token:



If you do not have a license key for Photon Fusion and Photon Voice, then remove the four compiler directives READY_PLAYER_ME, XRSHARED_ADDON_AVAILABLE, FUSION_WEAVER, and FUSION2 from the current/desired build target in Edit > Project Settings > Player.