This is a script to update your /etc/resolv.conf with DNS settings that come from the received push dhcp-options. Since network management is out of OpenVPN client scope, this script adds and removes the provided from those settings.
This script was found on the OpenVPN page of the Archlinux Wiki
Install openresolv
Place the script in /etc/openvpn/
or anywhere the
OpenVPN client can acess.
Add the following lines to your client configuration:
# This updates the resolvconf with dns settings
script-security 2
up /etc/openvpn/
down /etc/openvpn/
Just start your openvpn client with the command you used to do.
Alternatively, if you don't want to edit your client configuration, you can add the following options to your openvpn command:
--script-security 2 --up /etc/openvpn/ --down /etc/openvpn/
For bugs and another questions open a ticket in the Isssues Page.
You can find me on and in last case mail me through the email that is on my Github Profile
Licenced under GNU GPL.
2016 - WGH Added modified script to support systemd-networkd
2014 - Alfredo Palhares
2013 - Fixed intet name
2006 -