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Update to ROSCO v2.9.0 #644

Update to ROSCO v2.9.0

Update to ROSCO v2.9.0 #644

name: run_exhaustive_examples
on: [pull_request]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
name: Build (${{ matrix.os }} Python ${{ matrix.python-version }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# if: "contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'exhaustive_CI')" # This line could be used to have commit-specific instructions
shell: bash -l {0}
fail-fast: true
os: ["ubuntu-latest"] #, "macOS-latest"]
python-version: ["3.9","3.10", "3.11"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install conda/mamba
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
# To use mamba, uncomment here, comment out the miniforge line
#mamba-version: "*"
miniforge-version: "latest"
auto-update-conda: true
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
environment-file: environment.yml
activate-environment: test
auto-activate-base: false
#miniforge-variant: Mambaforge
#channels: conda-forge
#extra-specs: |
# python=${{ matrix.python-version }}
# mpi4py
# petsc4py
# openmpi
# sel(osx): compilers
# sel(win): m2w64-toolchain
# sel(win): libpython`
# # Even miniconda gets bogged down- try mamba
# - name: Install Conda environment with Micromamba
# uses: mamba-org/provision-with-micromamba@main
# with:
# environment-file: environment.yml
# environment-name: test
# channels: conda-forge
# extra-specs: |
# python=${{ matrix.python-version }}
# mpi4py
# petsc4py
# openmpi
# sel(osx): compilers
# sel(win): m2w64-toolchain
# sel(win): libpython`
# This is the more official way to do miniconda, but it messes with the GitHub worker environment and shell quite a bit
#- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
# #
# with:
# miniconda-version: "latest"
# channels: conda-forge
# auto-update-conda: true
# python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# environment-file: environment.yml
# activate-environment: test
# auto-activate-base: false
# This is a less official, but more lightweight way to do miniconda
#- uses: s-weigand/setup-conda@v1
# #
# with:
# update-conda: true
# python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# conda-channels: conda-forge
# activate-conda: true
#- run: conda env update --file environment.yml
#- name: Show custom environment
# shell: bash
# run: |
# printenv
# Install dependencies of WISDEM specific to windows
#- name: Add dependencies mac specific
# if: contains( matrix.os, 'mac')
# run: |
# conda install -y compilers
# gfortran --version
# Install dependencies of WISDEM specific to windows
#- name: Add dependencies windows specific
# if: contains( matrix.os, 'windows')
# run: |
# conda install -y m2w64-toolchain libpython
# Install dependencies of WEIS specific to ubuntu
- name: Add dependencies ubuntu specific
if: false == contains( matrix.os, 'windows')
# (if you use the shell here, cannot use 'compiler' package otherwise get link problems to system libraries
# Mpi only seems to work with the shell command though, so instead rely on system compilers
run: |
conda install -y petsc4py mpi4py openmpi
# python -c "import platform; print(platform.node())"
- name: Show custom environment
run: |
conda list
# Debugging session
#- name: Setup tmate session
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# Install WEIS
- name: Install WEIS
run: |
python develop
# Test walkthrough notebook
- name: Test postprocessing notebooks
run: |
cd examples/16_postprocessing
gdown --no-check-certificate 1AtLjjX5xpPqlHkfwDqeUj6VBMOYWcjmV
unzip outputs
treon plot_FAST.ipynb
treon rev_DLCs_WEIS.ipynb
treon rev_Opt.ipynb
treon rev_WEIS_CSV.ipynb
# Run all examples
- name: Run tests within WEIS
run: |
cd weis/test
# Run scripts within rotor_opt folder with MPI
- name: Run parallel examples rotor optimization
run: |
cd examples/05_IEA-3.4-130-RWT
mpiexec -np 2 python
# Run scripts within dac folder
# - name: Run examples distributed aerodynamic control
# run: |
# cd examples/dac_flaps
# python
# Run scripts within design of experiments folder
- name: Run examples design of experiments
run: |
cd examples/09_design_of_experiments
mpiexec -n 2 --bind-to core python