STM32 bluepill with 8bit parallel shield, serial parsing. Basic GPU to use with another MCU, or serial console
Compatable with MCUFriend commands.
MCUFriend_kbv library with modified utility\mcufriend_shield.h
DynamicCommandParser library
^drawRect,x0,y0,h,w,color$ x0,y0=top left, h=height,w=width, all color values must be added as decimal values
^drawCircle,x0,y0,radius,color$ x0,y0=centre
^drawTriangle,x0,y0,1,y1,x2,y2,color$ x0,y0=corner 1 x1,y1=corner 2 x2,y2=corner 3
^setTextColor,color,bgcolor$ bgcolor must be added
^print,text$ text in a string w/o ',' string ends at $
^readPixel,x0,y0$ returns color value