This is an SVD-based ICP algorithm to calculate transformation from point cloud 1 to point cloud 2.
Pointcloud data : two bunny pointclouds in different color
Two questions need to be solved:
- correspondence is known
- correspondence is unknown
1.1 Python 3.8
1.2 OpenCV 4.2
1.3 Numpy
2.1 ICP Algorithm for Matched Point Cloud
- Step 1: calculate centroid
- Step 2: de-centroid of points1 and points2
- Step 3: compute H, which is sum of p1i'*p2i'^T
- Step 4: SVD of H (can use 3rd-part lib), solve R and t
- Step 5: combine R and t into transformation matrix T
- Step 6: calculate transformed point cloud 1 based on T solved above
cd ~/ICP_Algorithm_Python/ICP_Matched_PC
sudo chmod +x
Pointclouds registration result:
2.2 ICP Algorithm for Unmatched Point Cloud
- Aim: For all point in points_1, find nearest point in points_2, and generate points_2_nearest
- Step 1: solve icp (Step 1-5 in 2.1)
- Step 2: update accumulated T
- Step 3: update points_1
- Iterated untill the time set before
cd ~/ICP_Algorithm_Python/ICP_Unmatched_PC
sudo chmod +x
Pointclouds registration result (30 iterations):
Pointclouds registration result (50 iterations):
This project is finished from NUS ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics
Many Thanks to Professor. Marcelo and Ph.D. Candidate Shuo SUN @ NUS Advanced Robotics Centre