A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool targeted at people who know their way around HTML and CSS.
- Markdown formatting, with smart extensions
- Presenter mode with markdown formatted speaker notes and cloned slideshow view
- Syntax highlighting, supporting a range of languages
- Slide scaling, thus similar appearance on all devices / resolutions
- Simple markdown templates for customized slides
- Touch support for smart phones and pads, i.e. swipe to navigate slides
Check out the original remark project or this remark slideshow for a brief introduction.
Based on the lack of recent updates to the gnab/remark repo, I [WLB] am collecting the various patches and updates from across the Github and integrating them here.
The biggest leap is the refactoring done by GM-Alex. Here's what GM-Alex said here:
This is a refactored version using ES6, adds i18n support, switches from less to sass, uses webpack, ports the slide transitions, the progress bar and the controls from reveal.js and adds some additional functionality. ... I also add an easy way to use columns just use || as separator and it will make a new column at the same slide. ... The options are (with defaults):
const defaults = {
sourceUrl: null,
ratio: '4:3',
highlightStyle: 'default',
highlightLines: false,
highlightSpans: false,
highlightInlineCode: false,
highlightLanguage: '',
slideNumberFormat: '%current% / %total%',
cloneTarget: '_blank',
excludedClasses: [],
countIncrementalSlides: true,
macros: {},
transition: false,
transitionSpeed: false,
slideNumber: false,
progressBar: false,
controls: false,
controlsTutorial: false,
controlsLayout: 'bottom-right',
controlsBackArrows: 'faded',
folio: false,
allowControl: true,
navigation: {},
translations: {}
or the ported settings (controls, transition, progress bar), see https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#configuration. allowControl disable the controller, useful for the new function SlideShow::setState which allows you to set the state (current slide, pause, blackout, mirrored). SlideShow::getState returns the current state. folio false makes the presentation full screen, true is the old style.
GM-Alex also ported from node make
to webpack, which means the build instructions have changed.
git clone https://github.com/WayneBuckhanan/remark-redux.git
cd remark-redux
npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli
npm run-script build
The remark library will now be in build/remark.min.js and can be placed alongside your HTML and Markdown as seen below in the "Getting Started" section.
You can also use npm run-script build:dev
to get an unminified output for debugging purposes.
The move to webpack does mean that the standalone boilerplate with in-line javascript is not currently a target.
It takes only a few, simple steps to get up and running with remark:
- Create an HTML file to contain your slideshow (see boilerplate below)
- Open the HTML file in a decent browser
- Edit the Markdown and/or CSS styles as needed, save and refresh!
- Press C to clone a display; then press P to switch to presenter mode
See any of the boilerplate-*.html files, or just copy the boilerplate HTML below to start:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz);
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Serif:400,700,400italic);
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu+Mono:400,700,400italic);
body { font-family: 'Droid Serif'; }
h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz';
font-weight: normal;
.remark-code, .remark-inline-code { font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono'; }
<textarea id="source">
class: center, middle
# Title
# Agenda
1. Introduction
2. Deep-dive
3. ...
# Introduction
<script src="https://remarkjs.com/downloads/remark-latest.min.js">
var slideshow = remark.create();
The wiki pages contain all the how-to, templating, and API help.
On using remark:
Other interesting stuff:
- gnab.github.com/editorjs
- judoole.github.com/GroovyBDD
- kjbekkelund.github.com/nith-coffeescript
- kjbekkelund.github.com/js-architecture-backbone
- bekkopen.github.com/infrastruktur-som-kode
- ivarconr.github.com/Test-Driven-Web-Development/slides
- havard.github.com/node.js-intro-norwegian
- mobmad.github.com/js-tdd-erfaringer
- torgeir.github.com/busterjs-lightning-talk
- roberto.github.com/ruby-sinform-2012
- http://asmeurer.github.io/python3-presentation/slides.html
- Lecture notes using remark
- Big Data in Time - Progress and Challenges from Oceanography
- Remarkymark (Remark.js in Middleman)
- Remark Boilerplate
- Repositorium
- Backslide - CLI for automating creation, export and PDF conversion of Remark presentations
- Remarker - CLI for serving and building Remark slideshow from markdown file
Converting to PDF is primarily supported via Chrome's Print to PDF feature. Note that the styling is not exact; See #50 for some recommended CSS to add to your styles.
Alternatively, you can use DeckTape, a PDF exporter for HTML presentation frameworks that provides support for remark.
- kjbekkelund
- DanTup
- freakboy3742
- nanoant
- gurjeet
- torgeir
- junderhill
- gureckis
- hfukada
- danielstankiewicz
- andrewgaul
- tripu
- kud
- toenuff
- obfusk
- trumbitta
- peter50216
- mhor
- roberto
- camerond
- avdv
- WouterSioen
- tchajed
- venthur
- mathiasbynens
- aminb
- sol
- GM-Alex
- WayneBuckhanan
remark and remark-redux are licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for further details.