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Beacon parameter documentation

Brandon Github edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Beacon parameter documentation (Work in progress!)

With the Add Instrumentation filter, ngx_pagespeed will insert scripts to report back measurements to the server. This wiki aims to describe which parameters will be reported back.

parameter type(unit) optional description source
exptid string yes, no experiment when not present experiment id server
hft int(ms) yes, response was from cache when not present header fetch time taken server
ft int(ms) yes, response was from cache when not present fetch time taken server
s_ttfb int(ms) yes, response was from cache when not present server side time to first byte server
rc int yes, 200 when not present response header status code server
id ? ? request_context->request_id() server
ets string ('load' or 'unload') no event used to submit the beacon client
rload int(ms?) yes page load time (XXX) client
ronbeforeunload int(ms) yes(XXX) page load time (XXX) client
nav int yes time on page(??) client(nav timing API)
dns int yes dns resolve time client(nav timing API)
req_start int yes https CONNECT time client(nav timing API)
ttfb int yes time to first byte client(nav timing API)
dwld int yes response download time client(nav timing API)
dom_c int yes dom content loaded time client(nav timing API)
nt int yes navigation type (?) client(nav timing API)
fp int yes first paint time client(nav timing API)
afd int(µs) yes average request duration client(window.performance)
nfd int(µs) yes total number of requests client(window.performance)
mfd int(µs) yes max request duration client(window.performance)
act int(µs) yes average connect duration client(window.performance)
nct int(µs) yes number of connections made client(window.performance)
adt int(µs) yes average domain lookup time client(window.performance)
ndt int(µs) yes number of domain lookups client(window.performance)
abt int(µs) yes average requestStart-fetchStart client(window.performance)
nbt int(µs) yes number of requests used to average ^^ client(window.performance)
attfb int(µs) yes average time to first byte client(window.performance)
nttfb int(µs) yes number of requests used to average ^^ client(window.performance)
rit_css int(µs) yes number of css resources client(window.performance)
rit_link int(µs) yes number of link resources client(window.performance)
rit_script int(µs) yes number of script resources client(window.performance)
rit_image int(µs) yes number of image resources client(window.performance)
ifr int(1/0) yes 1 if the document sending the beacon was an (i)frame client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
nrp int no number of prefetched resources client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
htmlAt int no ? ?
bcsi ? ? ? panelloader?
ccis int yes total critical inlined size client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
cces int yes total critical external size client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
ccos int yes total overhead size client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
ccrl int yes number of replaced links client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
ccul int yes number of unreplaced links client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
extraParams_ ? ? ? client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
ref url yes document.referrer contents client(pagespeed clientside instrumentation)
url url yes url used to serve the page (as seen by pagespeed serverside - XXX)

These parameters have been determined by inspecting these files: