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Reviewing a pull request

Mariana Caldas edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 4 revisions

Reviewing a Pull Request

Please watch the following tutorial on YouTube.

  1. Once you're a project team member, you'll be able to be added or add yourself as a reviewer to any PR ready for review, which means a PR that is not a DRAFT and has no label "work in progress". Start by reading the PR description to understand the changes and why the developer considered that solution.

  2. If your review was requested, you'll receive an email notification and, when going to the PR you'll see a "yellowish bar" from where you can easily access the changed files.

  3. When you add yourself as a reviewer to the PR, you can access the same changed files by clicking on "Files changed"


  1. It is now time to go through every file to check for code consistency, if the code is not repetitive, and especially if that makes sense. If you don't understand the solution, please ask questions! Add any question or file comment as "Single comment" or "Start a review".

Whenever possible, add a code example or a screenshot to your dev fellow. If the comment is just a suggestion, make sure to run the branch locally and test your suggestion beforehand.


  1. Finally, request changes or approve the PR with a comment explaining your decision.
