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Chris Reynolds edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 28 revisions

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wds_page_builder_load_parts( $parts = '' )

Load an array of template parts (by slug). If a string is passed, it can be used as a wrapper for the wds_page_builder_load_parts action.

$parts (Optional) A specific layout or an array of parts to display


<?php wds_page_builder_load_parts( 'test-layout-2' ); ?>

This will do the same thing as do_action( 'wds_page_builder_load_parts', 'test-layout-2' ).

<?php wds_page_builder_load_parts( array(
) ); ?>

This will explicitly load the three named template parts by their slug.

Source: inc/template-tags.php

####wds_page_builder_load_part( $part = '' )

Load a specific template part by its slug. Functions similar to get_template_part but checks whether they exist and identifies parts by their slug. Used by wds_page_builder_load_parts.

$part The part slug


<?php wds_page_builder_load_part( 'comments' ); ?>

This will load a template part named part-comments.php.

Source: inc/template-tags.php

####page_builder_class( $class = '' )

Display the classes for the template part wrapper.

$class One or more classes to add to the class list


<div <?php page_builder_class( 'my-new-class' ); ?>>
     <!-- do stuff -->

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####get_page_builder_class( $class = '' )

Retrieve the class names for the template part as an array. Use page_builder_class if you want the classes to output in a div (or not as an array).

Based on post_class, but we're not getting as much information as post_class. We just want to return a generic class, the current template part slug, and any custom class names that were passed to the function.

$class One or more classes to add to the class list


echo '<div class="' . join( ' ', get_page_builder_class( 'my-class' ) ) . '">';

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php


Gets an array of page builder parts.

Note, this function ONLY returns values AFTER the parts have been loaded, so hook into wds_page_builder_after_load_parts or later for this to be populated.


function get_template_parts() {
     $parts = get_page_builder_parts()
     /* something with $parts... */
add_action( 'wds_page_builder_after_load_parts', 'get_template_parts' );

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####wds_page_builder_wrap( $container = '', $class = '', $layout = '' )

Helper function to display page builder with a full wrap.

Note, this should be used only if the option to use a wrapper is disabled, otherwise, you'll get the page builder contents twice.

$container Optional. Unique container html element or use the default
$class Optional. Unique class to pass to the wrapper -- this is the only way to change the container classes without a filter.
$layout Optional. The specific layout name to load, or the default.

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####wds_register_page_builder_options( $args = array() )

Function to programmatically set certain Page Builder options.

$args An array of arguments matching Page Builder settings in the options table.

  • 'parts_dir' The directory that template parts are saved in
  • 'parts_prefix' The template part prefix being used
  • 'use_wrap' 'on' to use the container wrap, empty string to omit.
  • 'container' A valid HTML container type.
  • 'container_class' The container class
  • 'post_types' A post type name as a string or array of post types
  • 'hide_options' True to hide options that have been set, disabled to display them as uneditable fields. hide_options is true by default.


function this_register_options() {
	wds_register_page_builder_options( array(
		'hide_options'    => 'disabled', // this is required to actually hide the options from the options page
		'parts_dir'       => 'pagebuilder',
		'parts_prefix'    => 'thepart',
		'use_wrap'        => 'on', // on is TRUE
		'container'       => 'div',
		'container_class' => 'template-part wrap',
		'post_types'      => array( 'post', 'page', 'car' ),
	) );
add_action( 'init', 'this_register_options' );

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####wds_page_builder_theme_support( $args = array() )

Helper function to add Page Builder theme support.

Because theme features are all hard-coded, we can't pass arguments directly to add_theme_supports (at least, not that I'm aware of...). This helper function MUST be used in combination with add_theme_support( 'wds-simple-page-builder' ) in order to pass the correct values to the Page Builder options.

$args An array of arguments matching Page Builder settings in the options table.

  • 'parts_dir' The directory that template parts are saved in
  • 'parts_prefix' The template part prefix being used
  • 'use_wrap' 'on' to use the container wrap, empty string to omit.
  • 'container' A valid HTML container type.
  • 'container_class' The container class
  • 'post_types' A post type name as a string or array of post types
  • 'hide_options' True to hide options that have been set, disabled to display them as uneditable fields. hide_options is true by default.


function wds_setup_theme() {
    add_theme_support( 'wds-simple-page-builder' );
    wds_page_builder_theme_support( array(
        'hide_options'    => 'disabled',          // set to true to hide them completely
        'parts_dir'       => 'pagebuilder',       // directory the template parts are saved in
        'parts_prefix'    => 'part',              // the template part prefix, e.g. part-template.php
        'use_wrap'        => 'on',                // Whether to use a wrapper container. 'on' is TRUE
        'container'       => 'section',           // HTML container for Page Builder template parts
        'container_class' => 'pagebuilder-part',  // can use multiple classes, separated by a space
        'post_types'      => array( 'page', ),    // add any other supported post types here
    ) );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wds_setup_theme' );

Since 1.5
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####register_page_builder_area( $name = '', $templates = array() )

Function to register a new page builder "area"

$name The area name
$templates You can define the templates that go in this area the same way you would with register_page_builder_layout


 * registers a Page Builder area named 'hero' with templates 
 * configured on the singular edit page
register_page_builder_area( 'hero' );
 * registers a Page Builder area named 'hero-archive'. Templates 
 * do not display on any singular edit page, area is uneditable 
 * and only uses the parts that have been registered
register_page_builder_area( 'hero-archive', array(
) );

Since 1.6
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####wds_page_builder_area( $area = '', $post_id = 0 )

The function to load a specific page builder "area"

$area Which area to load. If no page builder area is found, will look for a saved layout with the same name.
$post_id Optional. The post id. If no post ID is passed, and we're on a singular page, get_the_ID is used to try to get the post ID for the currently queried post.


<?php wds_page_builder_area( 'test-layout' ); ?>

Since 1.6
Source: inc/template-tags.php


Gets an array of all the page builder areas.
Returns false if there are no areas or an array of layouts if there's more than one.

Used by get_page_builder_area.

Since 1.6
Source: inc/template-tags.php

####get_page_builder_area( $area = '', $post_id = 0 )

Function that can be used to return a specific page builder area.

$area The area by slug/name.
$post_id Optional. The post id. If none is passed, we will try to get one if it's necessary (e.g. we're on a singular page).

Since 1.6
Source: inc/template-tags.php