Support molecular dynamics pre-processor for LAMMPS.
Supported commands: atom_style , boundary , newton , comm_modify , region , create_box , neighbor , neigh_modify , pair_style , pair_coeff , timestep , fix , region , compute , thermo_style , thermo , thermo_modify , compute_modify , dump , run , unit , lattice , create_atoms , mass , velocity , displace_atoms , etc.
Call the LAMMPS executable program seamlessly.
Reading LAMMPS' log and result files.
Display certain types of LAMMPS results.
Enable the particle and molecule display in the GUI.
Add Output Visual Data and Visual File Type solution object properties for the FrontISTR solver.
Enable Beta features option in the Preferences.
Support the 3DConnexion device, particularly SpaceMouse Wireless.
Export results in Tecplot format.
Upgrade jsoncpp to 1.9.3
Add Atoms materials to the MatEditor.
H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na
Add atomic mass unit (AMU) mass unit.
You can’t perform that action at this time.