The current official Flutterwave vue library is incompatible with vue3 and nuxt 3, why i created this fully typed with typescript version,
you can add flutterwave-vue3 to your project using:
yarn add flutterwave-vue3 //or npm i flutterwave-vue3
import the installed flutterwave-vue3 in your main.js file
import Flutterwave from 'flutterwave-vue3'
then use the .use() method to add Flutterwave to plugin lists
create a file called ravePlugin in your plugins folder, then go ahead to define your plugin according to nuxt3 doc, sample code below:
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from "#app";
import Flutterwave from "flutterwave-vue3";
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(Flutterwave, {});
you can now upen payment modal using the useFlutterwave
import {useFlutterwave} from "flutterwave-vue3"
//this will launch Fluterwave payment modal
amount: 4000,//amount
callback(data: any): void {
// TODO: handle callbacks
country: "NG",
currency: "NGN",
customer: {email: '', name: 'adewale', phone_number: '+2347086967055'},
customizations: {description: "Pay with yourCompanyname", logo: "", title: "YourCompany"},
meta: {
user_id: 1,
token: "jdjdjdjdjd"
onclose(): void {
payment_options: "card",
public_key: "FLWPUBK_TEST-8b0ef2eef5b71b2922996d16a2dc0292-X",
redirect_url: undefined,
tx_ref: "tx_ref_herer_h92hjyj3"
This is not the official Vue3 Library for flutterwave, it was created out of necessity, star the repo if you find it useful