Tanner Meck, Paul Brubaker, Greg Gilliam, Alan Willoughby, Pete Hamrick
- Designed as a method to view where your money goes and to what cause.
- Allows for dynamic changes based on user input, forming a pie chart for each specific user.
- Each item is category based, along with a specialty sub-category that corresponds to how the information is inserted for optimized viewing.
- Tired of looking at a bank statement and calculating each item spent within a week, month, or year's time? Look no further as our app is designed to calculate and organize expenses into a viable and viewable design.
Create a profile by clicking the # link. From there, users can navigate to their profile to see chart data, home to pick up a new dad joke, look at the developers, and logout, all within the header. To add more data, users can add a single purchase item, found at the bottom of the profile, and then will be redirected back to the profile page to see a succinct chart. Within the single purchase item, users will want to add a category that the item description belongs to. Furthermore, a subcategory can be added if the user deems necessary for a more specific chart experience. Also, users should add recurring/expenses, such as rent or utilities, within the recurring purchases link and state the number of days between the billing due date. You can then modify a recurring purchase by pressing stop if you still want to see the data within the yearly, 6 month, 3 month, and weekly layout on the pie chart. You can even delete a purchase by viewing the link as described.
- version 1.0.0
- React
- Postgresql
- chartJS
- getToken
- getPurchases
- getRecurring
- getCategories
- postPurchase
- postRecurring
- postCategories
- putRecurring
- deletePurchase
- deleteRecurring
- getDadJoke
- Categories {id, parent_id, description, user_id}
- Recurring Purchase Items {id, user_id, description, cost, category_id, start, stop}
- Purchase Items {id, user_id, description, cost, category_id, timestamp}