The LeetCode Discord Bot is a Discord bot designed to help users practice coding problems from LeetCode by providing daily challenges and tracking their progress. The bot selects a random set of LeetCode problems every day and allows users to report their performance on these problems. The bot also offers a leaderboard and progress charts to visualize users' performance and improvement over time.
- Daily LeetCode problems with a range of difficulties
- Performance tracking and progress visualization
- Leaderboard to encourage friendly competition
- Customizable command prefix and problem difficulties
To use the LeetCode Discord Bot, follow the steps below:
- Invite the bot to your Discord server.
- Use the following commands to interact with the bot:
- !leet: Generates a set of daily LeetCode problems and sends them to the channel.
- !solved : Reports your performance on a problem by providing the problem difficulty and your percentile (e.g., !solved easy 99.9).
- !leaderboard: Displays a leaderboard of all active participants based on the number of problems solved.
- !progress: Plots your progress over time, displaying the number of problems solved by difficulty level.
To set up your own instance of the LeetCode Discord Bot, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:
git clone
cd LeetcodeBot
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a Discord bot and obtain its token. Follow the instructions in the Discord Developer Portal.
- Set the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable with the bot token you obtained in step 2:
export DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_discord_bot_token_here
- Configure the config.json file with your command prefix, LeetCode session, and CSRF token. Optionally, you can also customize the problem difficulties.
"prefix": "!",
"problem_difficulties": {
"easy": true,
"medium": true,
"hard": true
"leetcode_session": "your_leetcode_session_here",
"csrf_token": "your_csrf_token_here",
- Invite the bot to your Discord server by following the instructions in the Discord Developer Portal.
- Run the bot:
Now your bot should be running, and you can use it on your server!