This project was generated with Create React App.
Used Technos
- React for the front-end
- Firebase for the back-end (Realtime database) and hosting
- Travis-CI for Continious Integration and deployment
- Recharts to generate beautiful charts
- Material-UI to implement Google's Material Design
- Translation (english-french)
- Secure database
npm install -g create-react-app
to install create-react-appcreate-react-app plex4life
to create a react app namedplex4life
In the react app directory :
npm install --save firebase
to install firebase and add it to the app dependencies (package.json)npm install -g firebase-tools
to install firebase-tools (firebase CLI)firebase init
to initialize firebase (setup database rules, hosting via firebase.json)npm run build
to build the appfirebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN";
to deploy the app in firebasenpm start
to start the app locally (for testing purpose)