Fixed multiple bugs and breaking changes for blender 4.1 .
Please see https://x-hax.github.io/SonicAdventureBlenderIO/guides/installation/ for an installation guide.
Fixed issues
- Blender 4.1 breaking changes (#12)
- Processing materials on welded BASIC broken
- Texture list evaluation not working for object-specific texture- and texturename-lists
- NJ files with multiple blocks throw exception
- Animations of NSSM and NCAM types not recognized
- NJ animations only reading with 16 bit rotations
- Exporting or importing of PAK archives with long names can break
- Texcoord precision on SA2B models completely broken on import and export
- BASIC models with NULL normals cannot be read
- Panels now use new blender API dedicated for panels
- Texturename lists in NJ model files now get imported