Implementation of a lua/Torch wrapper for the ROS manipulation software package MoveIt!. It is currently used by the Xamla team to move a UR5 robot equipped with RGB and depth camera to capture point clouds for scene understanding experiments.
- Planning and execution of robot movements from start to goal poses/states can be carried out via a wrapper of the MoveGroup class.
- Wrappers for PlanningScene and World are in preparation.
moveit = require 'moveit'
ros = moveit.ros
local sp = ros.AsyncSpinner()
g = moveit.MoveGroup('arm')
pos, rot = g:getCurrentPose_Tensors()
g:setPositionTarget(0.3, 0.5, 0.2)
s, p = g:plan()
This prototype of a torch-moveit wrapper is not intended for production use! It features absolutely no validation of arguments and pointers - if wrong parameters are passed the process will likely crash or behave unexpectedly. The Xamla team hopes to provide a more reliable (and professionally supported) MoveIt! wrapper later in 2016.
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