Use node >= 8.10.0
Clone this repo and change details in package.json. Remove the .git directory and git init to start fresh.
Read below for more!
- graphql
- koa-graphql
- @koa-cors
- dotenv
- jsonwebtoken
- koa-jwt
- koa-router
- mongoose
- auth - Auth related helper methods
- database - keeps models for mongoose into a separate mongo directory
- graphql - all the graphql related files stay here
- services - used to make more precise and compact services for busines logic (called from graphql resolvers)
- .env - stores all the environment related config
- app.js - initializes the database layer, middlewares, graphql and starts the server
mongoose models are defined in separate files under mongoose directory and are automatically populated and available in ctx.db on every koa request. For eg. ctx.db.User
graphql directory has been broken down into
- mutations - keeps all the mutations that you want (See sample mutations)
- resolvers - keeps all the query resolvers that you want (See sample resolver)
- types - keeps all the custom graphql types
.env file need not to be checked into git and its best to keep it separate on each environment rather making,, don't do that.
Authentication - Authentication is being handled by json web token, check
for more info on how to generate jwt tokens and send to client all in graphql- To enable auth for a particular
you just need to passtrue
while initializing inschema.js
(check example) - For API, auth token needs to be sent into
header of each request - For
, token is picked up from cookie that is set when generating token the first time
- To enable auth for a particular
extends theBaseResolver
which does things like handling resolver level auth check
- Clone the project
- Run npm install
- node server.js
- That's it!
- Add a simple logger capabale of handling different log levels
- Fork and make pull requests please!
- Report any bugs and improvements.
Suroor Wijdan @suroorwijdan