This repository contains the code for a cloud-native application developed using a microservices architecture and container orchestration with Kubernetes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- kubectl
- Helm
- Skaffold (optional)
- Clone the repository git clone
- Build the Docker images for the microservices
cd k8s-microservices-app
docker build -t service1:latest service1/
docker build -t service2:latest service2/
- Deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster using Helm
helm install --name my-release charts/
- Use kubectl to check the status of the pods and services
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
If you want to use Skaffold for continuous development, you can use the following command to build, deploy, and watch for changes in the code: skaffold dev
- Docker - Containerization
- Kubernetes - Container orchestration
- Helm - Package manager for Kubernetes
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.