Light-tight enclosure designs for the two-photon microscopes.
Two enclosure designs for:
- A Random-Access Two-Photon Microscope with Acousto-Optic Deflectors
- A Dual-beam Two-photon Microscope (customized HyperScope by Scientifica)
This repository contains supplementary materials for the microscope enclosure under the following directories:
- AOD-Microscope - contains Bill of Materials and AutoCAD (.dwg and .pdf) files for the random-access 2P microscope.
- Dual-beam-microscope - contains Bill of Materials and AutoCAD (.dwg and .pdf) files for the dual-beam 2P microscope.
- img - contains images of the enclosure designs.
The following software and packages were used for the design:
- AutoCAD 2017
- Used to design the 3D model of the enclosure boxes.
- AutoQuoterX plugin on AutoCAD 2017.
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you find any bug/error.
Akihiro Yamaguchi -