The Movie Guide - Stage 2 is an Android application for displaying the popular and top rated box office movies using the MovieDB API. This is enhancement to The Movie guide application. Here, I have added new functionalities and incorporated Material design based user interface.
This Application can help users to view the list of popular, top rated, now-playing and upcoming Hollywood movies. A click on the movie posted in main screen navigates to the very useful details page which contains additional information such as rating, release date, trailers,reviews and synopsis.
In the details page, Users can watch the trailer by clicking on the movie poster and also can share the video URL. Any movie can be added to the Favorites collection and can be seen even when there is no internet connection.
Note: Please initialize "MyMovieDbApiKey" parameter in with your MovieDB Api key.
##App Walkthrough
##Reference Used etsy/AndroidStaggeredGrid library to achieve varying grid size in Grid view.