✨ Inspired by my little sister and physics class!
🙏 Thank you for making this competition possible.
- It's preferable that the device is in landscape mode and the lock rotation turned on during the gameplay.
- You may please set the playground in fullscreen (hiding the code) before running it for the best possible experience.
- All used images have either been made by me or exported from SFSymbols, with (when allowed) or without modifications.
- I learned and used SpriteKit and CoreMotion, all for the first time, during the two weeks leading up to the deadline. I went the hard way and made everything programmatically. Although the implementations are not perfect, I'm very proud of myself and the personal achievements I've been able to make thanks to this competition!
- Initializing SKSpriteNode by using image names instead of UIImage is more reliable. Hence, I created the ImageName struct to store the name of all visual assets.
- When convenient, I prefixed custom SpriteKit subclasses with "SK" to signify the possibility to individually port them to any other project with little to no changes required.
- Background music. "Futuristic Rhythmic Game Ambience" by PatrickLieberkind, licensed under CC BY 3.0. https://freesound.org/people/PatrickLieberkind/sounds/396458/
- Action (Start) sound effect. "Computer Chimes - Program Start" by TheAtomicBrain, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/TheAtomicBrain/sounds/351878/
- Cancel (Return) sound effect. "Cancel/miss chime" by Raclure, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/Raclure/sounds/405548/
- Damage sound effect. "Retro video game sfx - Ouch" by OwlStorm, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/OwlStorm/sounds/404747/
- Loss sound effect. "Lose_C_01" by cabled_mess, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/cabled_mess/sounds/350986/
- Next (Dialogue) sound effect. "Beep Space Button" by GameAudio, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/GameAudio/sounds/220206/
- New wave sound effect. "Alert (1)" by Beetlemuse, licensed under CC BY 3.0. https://freesound.org/people/Beetlemuse/sounds/529626/
- Powerup sound effect. "Button Click 3" by Mellau, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0. https://freesound.org/people/Mellau/sounds/506052/
- Success sound effect. "'Win' Video Game Sound" by EVRetro, licensed under CC0 1.0. https://freesound.org/people/EVRetro/sounds/495005/
- Build more levels.
- Continue learning more about SpriteKit!
- Focus on accessibility and localisation.
- Incorporate haptic feedback.
- Produce music and sound effects myself!
- Publish it on the App Store?