MC stands for Multiple Cursors.
MC is a plugin that adds a bunch of virtual cursors into Neovim
, writing in Lua
This section should guide you to run MC on your Neovim
Using vim-plug
Plug 'YacineDo/mc.nvim'
Using dein
call dein#add('YacineDo/mc.nvim')
Using packer.nvim
use 'YacineDo/mc.nvim'
- select words with Ctrl-N (like
in Sublime Text/VS Code) - create cursors vertically with Ctrl-Down/Ctrl-Up
- select one character at a time with Shift-Arrows
- press n/N to get next/previous occurrence
- press [/] to select next/previous cursor
- press q to skip current and get next occurrence
- press Q to remove current cursor/selection
- start insert mode with i,a,I,A