This is a simple iOS widget for the app Scriptable that allows you to see the current price of various cryptocurrencies listed on CoinPaprika. The widget has two display options:
IMPORTANT You only have 60 Api requests per hour so don't reload the script to often.
lockscreentoplockscreentop: This option displays the current price of the cryptocurrency on top of the clock on the lock screen.
lockscreenbottom: This option displays the percentage change in the last 24 hours, as well as the current price and volume, under the clock on the lock screen. Setup
- Install Scriptable on your iOS device.
- download the js file to your phone or copy paste the code or use the button above me.
- Open Scriptable and tap on the + button in the top right corner to create a new script.
- Give the script a name (e.g. "CoinPaprika Widget") and tap "Create".
- Replace the contents of the new script with the code from the coinpaprika_widget.js file in this repository.
- In the script, replace the tokenSymbol placeholder with the ID of the cryptocurrency you want to track (e.g. btc-bitcoin for Bitcoin).
- Save the script and tap on the done button in the top left corner to close the script
- Under "Widgets", select the display option you want (homescreentop or homescreenbottom) and tap "Done".
- Add the widget to your homescreen/lockscreen from the Home Screen, touch and hold a widget or an empty area until the apps jiggle.Tap the Add button. in the upper-left corner.Select the scriptable widget, choose a widget size, then tap Add Widget.
- Tap on the scriptable widget and select under script the coinpaprika widget
- done.