A cli tool for configuring the multicloud platform.
npm install multicloud-config-assistant -g
Usage: multicloud config [options]
-h, --help, --help 显示帮助信息 [布尔]
--host the host of the config service's database.
[字符串] [必需] [默认值: ""]
--port the port of the config service's database.
[字符串] [默认值: "3306"]
--username the user of the config service's database.
[字符串] [必需]
--password the password of the config service's database.
[字符串] [必需]
--database the name of the config service's database.
[字符串] [默认值: "config"]
--services the service id list. You can choose these.
[2] multi-cloud-service
[3] multi-cloud-user-service
[4] multi-cloud-vdc-service
[5] multi-cloud-content-service
[6] multi-cloud-schedule-service
[7] composer
[字符串] [必需]
--env, --environment the env of the service's configuration.
[字符串] [默认值: "production"]
--path the path of the configuration files. [字符串]
multicloud config --host= --port=3306 --username=root
--password=root --database=config --services=2,3 --path=/root/configs
Copyright Yanrong Tech 2017.
- multi-cloud-content-service.yml detials
- multi-cloud-schedule-service.yml detials
- multi-cloud-service.yml detials
- multi-cloud-user-service.yml detials
- multi-cloud-vdc-service.yml detials
- composer.yml detials
- application.yml detials
The application.yml is a global config file.