HIGHT(HIGh security and light weigHT) algorithm is a block cipher encryption algorithm developed to provide confidentiality in computing environments that demand low power consumption and lightweight, such as RFID(Radio-Frequency Identification) and USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network), or in mobile environments that require low power consumption and lightweight, such as smartphones and smart cards. Additionally, it is designed with a simple structure that enables it to be used with basic arithmetic operations, XOR, and circular shifts in 8-bit units. This algorithm was designed to consider both safety and efficiency in a very simple structure suitable for limited environments, compared to the former 128-bit encryption algorithm SEED. In December 2010, it became an ISO(International Organization for Standardization) standard. The detailed procedure is described in Hong et al. (2006) doi:10.1007/11894063_4.
Install the stable version from CRAN.