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Travis CI status: Build Status

Overlay contents

Name Desc
app-misc/mimic Substitutes common ASCII characters to UTF8 homoglyphs
app-misc/tagsistant Tag-based filesystem that turns directories into tags and search files
app-misc/tmsu Tag your files and then access them through a virtual filesystem
dev-db/unixodbc-gui-qt Qt based GUI for unixODBC
dev-lang/clips Expert system
dev-lang/mosml Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML
dev-libs/msgpack MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format
media-plugins/kipi-plugins KIPI plugins with reverse image search plugin
media-sound/clementine Audio player. Qt5 branch
net-im/dino Modern Jabber/XMPP Client using GTK+/Vala
net-im/purple-carbons Message Carbons plugin for libpurple
net-im/purple-lurch Plugin for libpurple implementing OMEMO
net-im/purple-skypeweb SkypeWeb plugin for Pidgin
net-im/purple-vk-plugin plugin for Pidgin
net-libs/opendht C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation
net-misc/mac-telnet Mac-Telnet - Connect to RouterOS or mactelnetd devices via MAC address
net-misc/nheqminer Equihash miner from NiceHash
net-misc/silentarmy Zcash miner optimized for AMD & Nvidia GPUs
net-misc/youtube-dl-gui Front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython
net-p2p/netsukuku-c Netsukuku mesh network. C version.
net-p2p/torrent-file-editor Qt based GUI tool designed to create and edit .torrent files
net-p2p/zcash Cryptocurrency that offers privacy of transactions
sys-fs/ciopfs Access a regular directory case-insensitively
x11-misc/ahoviewer A GTK2 image viewer, manga reader, and booru browser
x11-misc/danbooru-client Application to access Danbooru-based image boards
x11-misc/imgbrd-grabber Imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming features

All commits and manifests are signed. Signing key: 0x57EE184C at Fpr: 68C1 93F3 C8BC EC64 AC6E 092F 405F 3E77 57EE 184C

This repository includes .travis.yml developed by Manuel Rüger and released under MIT license. See licenses/repoman-travis_MIT_license for details.


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