Swift iOS Cocoapod That Simply Handles Any Network Operation for You.
- Fully Based on URLSessions and Written using Swift 4.2
- Supports all Basic HTTP Methods, File Upload& Download
- URL, JSON, FormData Parameter Encoding
- Upload and Download Progress Tracking
- Supports multipart uploading
- Extends UIImageView to Set online Images Directly with caching options
- Comes with a Variety of Response Handling Styles
- Supports pre-request& retry handling (soon)
- Supports RxSwift (soon)
- Supports Combine (soon)
- Swift 4.2+
- Xcode 11+
pod 'JetRequest', :git => 'https://github.com/YousefAnsary/JetRequest.git'
Swift Package Manager
Firstly before making any requests initialize the session by calling
// preferred in appDelegate.application(didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
JetRequest.initSession(baseURL: "http://www.myBaseUrl.com/api/")
or if you want your session configuration to be another type not default
JetRequest.initSession(baseURL: "apiUrl/", sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration.demandedType)
Method | Params | Return Type |
initSession | baseURL: String, sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration = .default | - |
request | path: String, httpMethod: HTTPMethod | Request |
request | fullURL: String, httpMethod: HTTPMethod | Request |
request | URL: URL, httpMethod: HTTPMethod | Request |
request | requestable: JetRequestable, completion: closure | - |
downloadFile | url: String, headers: [String: String]?, params: [String: Any]? | JetTask |
uploadImage //multipart | toUrl: String, images: [Image], headers: [String: String]?, params: [String: String]? | JetTask |
Method | Params | Return Type |
set | headers: [String: String] | Request |
set | urlParams: [String: Any] | Request |
set | bodyParams: [String: Any?], encoding: ParametersEncoding | Request |
fire | completion: (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?)-> Void | - |
fire | completion: (Result<([String: Any?]?, Int?), JetError>)-> Void | - |
fire | completion: (Result<(T?, Int?), JetError>)-> Void | - |
cancel | - | - |
Method | Params | Return Type |
fire | completion: (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?)-> Void | - |
trackProgress | completion: (Progress)-> Void | - |
cancel | - | - |
Variable | Type |
data | Data? |
error | Error? |
statusCode | Int? |
Method | Params | Return Type |
downloadImage | url: String, completion: (UIImage?)-> Void | - |
clearCache | forUrl: String | - |
clearCache | - | - |
UIIMageView Extension
Method | Params | Return Type |
loadImage | fromUrl: String, defaultImage: UIImage? = nil, completion: ((success: Bool, isCached: Bool)-> Void)? = nil |
- |
var request = JetRequest.request(path: "path", httpMethod: .get) //Or
// var request = JetRequest.request(fullURL: "fullUrl", httpMethod: .delete) //Or
// var request = JetRequest.request(URL: URL(string: "URL")!, httpMethod: .post)
request = request.set(headers: ["key": "value"])
.set(urlParams: ["key1": "value", "key2": 1])
.set(bodyParams: ["key1": "value", "key2": 1], encoding: .formData)
request.fire { (data: Data?, res: URLResponse?, err: Error?) in }
request.fire { (res: Result<([String : Any?]?, Int?), JetError>) in
switch res {
case .success((let dict, let statusCode)):
case .failure(let err):
// err.data (Data?)
// err.statusCode (Int?)
// err.error (Error?)
request.fire { (res: Result<(MyDecodableModel?, Int?), JetError>) in
switch res {
case .success((let decodedObject, let statusCode)):
case .failure(let err):
// err.data (Data?)
// err.statusCode (Int?)
// err.error (Error?)
Or Using JetRequestable Protocol
struct Request: JetRequestable {
var path: String = "path"
var headers: [String : String]? = nil
var httpMethod: HTTPMethod = .get
var parameterEncoding: ParametersEncoding = .defaultEncoding
// Parameters
var param1: Int!
var name: String!
// In case of parameters variable name is different from demanded key
// Or you can set it to nil and do not create such a struct
var keysContainer: KeyedParams? = Keys()
struct Keys: KeyedParams {
let param1 = "id"
} // End of Request Struct
let request = MyJetRequestableStruct(param1: 1, name: "")
// Then fire directly
request.fire { (data: Data?, res: URLResponse?, err: Error?) in }
request.fire { (res: Result<([String : Any?]?, Int?), JetError>) in }
request.fire { (res: Result<((MyDecodableModel?)?, Int?), JetError>) in }
// Or Through request method
JetRequest.request(requestable: request, completion: { (data: Data?, res: URLResponse?, err: Error?) in })
JetRequest.request(requestable: request, completion: { (res: Result<([String : Any?]?, Int?), JetError>) in })
JetRequest.request(requestable: request, completion: { (res: Result<((MyDecodableModel?)?, Int?), JetError>) in })