The objective of this project is to implement a REGEX to DFA converter using an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) instead of the traditional approach of converting the REGEX to a Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) and then converting the NFA to a DFA.
This program converts a Regular Expression (REGEX) into a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA).
This console application is developed using the C++ programming language. C++ is chosen as the primary language for this program due to its ability to effectively handle tree data structures, making it the ideal choice for utilizing the power of C++ pointers.
Instead of creating an NFA as an intermediate step, we directly convert the REGEX to a DFA using the following steps:
Augmented REGEX: Firstly, the regular expression is converted into an augmented regular expression by concatenating it with a '#' symbol. (r -> (r)#)
Postfix Expression: Next, the augmented REGEX is converted into a postfix expression.
Syntax Tree Construction: We construct a syntax tree for the postfix expression.
Tree Traversal: The tree is traversed to construct four essential functions: nullable, firstpos, lastpos, and followpos.
Follow Position Table: We construct the follow position table.
DFA Construction: Finally, we convert the REGEX directly to a DFA by constructing a new table using the follow position table and employing an approach similar to the subset construction algorithm.
The program expects the following inputs:
- Number of test cases: The user enters the number of test cases.
- Regular Expression: For each test case, the user enters a regular expression (e.g., (a|b)*).
- Input Strings: For each test case, the user enters a string to check whether it is accepted or rejected by the DFA.
The program produces the following output:
- DFA Table: The program displays a simple representation of the DFA table, including its states and transitions, to the console.
- Test Case Status: For each test case, the program displays its status, indicating whether it is accepted or rejected by the DFA.
I am glad to have partnered with Mazen Abdalla on this project. I appreciate his hard work and dedication to the project's goals.