Python scripts to interact with the Bookmarking Service. They require python-raindropio, which can be installed like so:
pip install python-raindropio
First, create a copy of the repo:
git clone
An API key is required to use the scripts
- On under Settings > Integrations > For Developers (at the bottom), click "Create new app" & Give it any name and click "I accept."
- Click the new app, and copy into
and click "Create test token" (the package seems to only support test tokens.**
, A file where you specify your API key, and a string array of
- You can enter or copy & paste in multiple links. And enter in numbers corresponding to each of your tags specified
(much faster than typing them in manually, & if you use this script all the time, it becomes habit / muscle memory)- You can just keep this window open in your terminal and add new links whenever you have them.
- To quickly access the script in bash, create an alias like this one:
alias rd='/path/to/'
- If you have any errors, just restart the script and try the links again