Minishell is my first group project at Hive to build a simple bash-like shell at Hive Helsinki with allihive
- we are asked to use our own C library (libft folder) as part of the practice.
Clone the repository and make
The readline library must be installed and its location correctly defined in the Makefile file (includes and readline variables).
eg. ls
[command] | [command]
eg. ls | grep "happy"
- Run ./minishell to add shell level
- Run any executables based on the environment variable PATH, an absolute path, or a relative path.
- Expands environment variables ($ VAR_NAME), exit status ($?), and wildcards (*).
- Handles single and double quotes, with only the meta-character '$' being interpreted in double quotes.
- Redirections >, <, >>, and <<, with the ability to redirect from the given fd (e.g. 2>out).
- Command piping with |.
- && and || for linking multiple commands.
- ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\
- A memory of commands run in the interactive shell.
- Built ins:
- echo with option -n
- cd with only a relative or absolute path
- pwd with no options
- export with no options
- unset with no options
- env with no options or arguments
- exit with no options