I am a PhD candidate in the EECS department at MIT affiliated with LIDS. I study statistics and their applications in ecological, biological and physical problems. I mostly interested in inverse problems i.e., inferring (dynamical) system's parameters using observed behavior of the system, e.g., inferring SDEs from unpaired data, understanding fluid dynamics in cell from PIV, reconstruct spectrum from light curves. On the ecology side, I study population and community aspects of large carnivores (esp. wolves and jaguars) as well as their economic values. On the astronomy side, I study the diversity of supernovae (esp. type Ia).
Quick Facts:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on statistical problems in ecology, genetics and astronomy
- 🌱 I’m currently learning statistics (in a CS department) and doing ecology stuff as a side.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any statistical ecology/astronomy stuff
- 📫 How to reach me: yshen99[at]wisc[dot]edu; yshen99[at]mit[dot]edu
- ⚡ Fun fact: Intro to Statistics is one of the courses I got the worst score during undergrad.