DockerGS is a container that run Grasscutter (some anime game) with just a single command.
Since I don't want to write same post, please visit this
# Database (just once) (use this if you don't have a database outside container or want to use between containers)
docker run --rm -it --name db_gc -p 2777:27017/tcp -d mongo &
# Game server (just once download resources with -download_resource 'yes' after that you can set -download_resource 'no') (remember replace with your pc's ip and don't use "localhost" this is important)
docker run --rm -it \
--name dockergs \
-v resources:/home/dockergs/resources \
-p 22102:22102/udp \
-p 80:80/tcp \
siakbary/dockergs:ubuntu-gc-5.0 \
--database 'mongodb://' \
--web_ip '' \
--web_port '80' \
--game_ip '' \
--game_port '22102' \
--download_resource 'yes' \
--ssl 'false'
--web_url_ssl "false"
or if you have Docker Compose
git clone
cd DockerGS
# docker compose up # windows
docker-compose up -d # linux
- Then type "account create yourusername" if there is a new response open the game.
- Yay
- Download & Install Java 17 JDK & MongoDB (If you don't have) (Remember this does not require Install Docker.)
- Download file zip, scroll down I'm sure you can find it easily
- Open file zip and unzip/open again file DockerGS_GC.tar
- When you successfully unzip/open you will find "work_gc" folder click it then Extract it to folder you want (if you have an "Official/other version" Grasscutter you can overwrite it)
- Make sure you have a (folder,file) "Resources" which you can get from Yuuki
- Open Terminal (Make sure you open it by right-clicking on folder that has jar file) then type "java -jar grasscutter.jar"
- Have fun :)
Versions | OS | Platform |
5.0 (25) | Alpine | linux/amd64 |
Versions | Platform |
5.0 (25) | linux/amd64 |
- Running a JVM in a Container Without Getting Killed
- 10 best practices to build a Java container with Docker
Source code YuukiPS is closed now because many people are remove "source link,credits" from public server/vip forum download, so we will only provide original Grasscutter Quest or Grasscutter version for docker/jar later.
Clone this with
git clone
cd DockerGS
cd gs
# is your ip computer, make sure you have mongodb installed
sh # default build localhost
sh local res 25 # Get Resources File Based Version Server
sh local start 25 # run localhost server for without docker
sh alpine start 25 # run localhost server for with docker alpine
sh ubuntu start 25 # run localhost server for with docker ubuntu
sh local build 25 # Build local aja jar only
sh alpine build 25 # Build Docker Image Alpine
sh ubuntu build 25 # Build Docker Image Ubuntu
sh ubuntu build 25 multi # Build Docker Image Ubuntu
sh local sync 25 # Sync Grasscutters to Yuuki
sh data core # Clone Patch Version
- If you have a problem with not foundsh: Change CRLF to LF
Variable | Info |
-db --database | IP Address for your database server, note: use computer ip if you want to run on your own pc/server, no "localhost" because it is IP in Container |
-webip --web_ip | IP/Domain Public Web Server |
-webport --web_port | Port Public Web Server, if you want http use port 80 and if you want https use 443 (default 80) |
-ssl --ssl | If this is set to "true" it will make https not working and if it is "false" it will make http not working. please select: (default false) |
-weburlssl --web_url_ssl | This changes URL "https" or "http", This is useful if you have a reverse proxy and have your own SSL. (default false) |
-gameip --game_ip | IP Public Game Server |
-gameport --game_port | Port Public Game Server |
-msgwc --message_welcome | Chat Welcome Message |
-nmsv --name_server | Name Server |
-nmow --name_owner | Server Owner Name |
-nmrg --name_region | Server Region Name |
-mailmsg --mail_message | Email welcome when registering for first time |
-po --player_online | Player limit online (-1 for unlimited) |
-loginpass --login_password | If you want to be more secure by using password feature at login |
-dlres --download_resource | Re-download resources if you type "yes" this is useful if you already have a resources folder but there is latest update |
-lang --language | Server Language and includes commands more info |
-j --java | -Xms500M -Xmx8G more info |
-h --help | todo |
Port | Info |
80 | Web Server for HTTP. (Not required) |
443 | Web Server for HTTPS. (required) |
22102 | Game Communication (udp) (required) |
Power by Grasscutter ❤️