A simple utility to assign commands to items
CommandStack depends on Interface4
Command | Permission | Function |
/cstack add <command> |
commandstack.add |
Adds a command to the handheld item |
/cstack remove <command> |
commandstack.remove |
Removes a command from the handheld item |
/cstack view |
commandstack.view |
Shown all commands assigned to the handheld item |
/cstack reload |
commandstack.reload |
Reloads translations |
/cstack credits |
None | Mentions resource credits |
/cstack version |
commandstack.version |
Checks the current version |
Player-Only-Command: "Only players can use this command"
Not-Holding-Item: "You must be holding an item to use this command"
No-Commands: "This item has no commands assigned"
Does-Not-Have-Command: "This item does not have this command"
Removed-Command: "Removed command %cmd%"
Removed-All-Commands: "Removed all commands"
Added-Command: "Added command %cmd%"
No-Permissions: "&cNo permissions!"
Reloaded: "&aReloaded successfully"
- "&7Usage:"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack add <command>"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack remove <command/all>"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack view"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack reload"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack credits"
- "&8-&7&o /cstack version"
Prevent-Placement: true # Should CommandStack items be unplacable
Alert-OP: true # Should OP players be notified if an update is available on join
Auto-Update: true # Should CommandStack automatically update to the latest version (Recommended)
Auto-Restart: true # Should CommandStack automatically restart the server if the plugin updates to apply changes
Use: "commandstack.use"
Reload: "commandstack.reload"
View: "commandstack.view"
Remove: "commandstack.remove"
Add: "commandstack.add"
Version: "commandstack.version"