Written by Zachary Ip (ip.zachary.t@gmail.com) 3/7/23.
This repository is expected to be used in conjunction with spectral-analysis-tools, and utils-toolbox. Code will not run without those repositories on path. This repository was developed in MATLAB, and requires a license with Signal processing toolbox among others.
This code was developed to process a dataset collected by Jialing Liu
(Jialing.liu@ucsf.edu) and co: Gratianne Rabiller
(Gratianne.rabiller@gmail.com), and Shahram Zarrabian
(szarrabian@gmail.com ). This data was collected using control db/+ and
type-2 diabetic db/db mice. Data was collected using 16-site linear
electrodes. Meta-data and information about the organization of the
animals can be found in init_Spk_info.m
and init_Synopsis_Dbdb.xlsx
Raw data begins being processed in notebook_Data_Analysis
, and
calculated measures are compared in notebook_Statistics
. Some values
used for the manuscript were calculated by Gratianne Rabiller and stats
for those values are calculated in notebook_Statistics_Prism
Auxiliary test codes notebook_detect_SPWR
, and notebook_SWR_Spectrogram
not used in final manuscript (as of writing 3/7/23), and were only used
during preliminary data analysis.
Final figure generation for the manuscipt (as of writing 3/7/23) are
generated in prism by Shahram Zarrabian and Jialing Liu. To facilitate
this, notebook_Data_Analysis
saves excel files of the final measures
to share, however, notebook_Statistics
also generates figures in