This project is made in Laravel version 10. In this project, I used an Admin LTE with a breeze installation. Users do have not to worry about assets & folder paths for the admin side. Created for basic e-commerce project admin.Added the basic modules. Don't forget to give star to this repository ⭐.
- For Install you have to clone this repo or you can fire this command as well.
git clone
- Go into folder
cd adminlte-laravel10
- After the installation you have to update the vendor folder you can update the vendor folder using this command.
composer update
- After the updation you have to create the
file via this command.
cp .env.example .env
- Now you have to generate the product key.
php artisan key:generate
- Now migrate the tables & seed the database.
php artisan migrate --seed
- We are done here. Now you have to just serve your project.
php artisan serve
- This is the updated code of admin.
To get the access of admin side there is credentials bellow
- Admin
password: p$ssw#rd
- User
password: p$ssw#rd
- Vendor
password: p$ssw#rd
Added the Light/Dark mode in profile section at top nav.
Added the Category module.
Added the Subcategory module.
Added the product module which has basic detail & takes multiple images.
Added the Role Module.
Added the permission Module.
Added the collection Module for PDFs.
Added the Country, State & City seeder with the relationship
if you want to use the admin side but you have no idea about components & how here things work. so that you just have to create a file & put your code.
I added the functionality to compress the image size & convert it into webp format in the
- Added the toastr which has 4 classes success, info, warning & error. you can use it own it.
{{ 'Put your blade code here' }}
- For the page title use a section method Like this.
{{'Your Titlte'}}
- I added the alerts. You just have to call like this.
->with('success', 'Success message');
->with('danger', 'danger message');
->with('info', 'info message');
->with('dark', 'dark message');
->with('warning', 'warning message');
->with('light', 'light message');
If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to Nihir Zala via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.If you find any issue or bug you can mail me.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
- if you have any query about this package face some error or need support to update simply mail me here.
- Sorry for my English & this type of short instruction. I'm learning if you are an expert please help me to improve.
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