by Zhaofeng Tian | Website
New Repo for this project, which contains ROS RL envs.
This repo includes five RL algorithms that benchmarked in the paper. To work the code on your local machine, you may need appopriate APIs to OpenAI gym and ROS. In our case, we run the code with our tailored gazebo simulator for our robot ZebraT. More details may be published later.
@inproceedings{tian2024unguided, title={Unguided Self-exploration in Narrow Spaces with Safety Region Enhanced Reinforcement Learning for Ackermann-steering Robots}, author={Tian, Zhaofeng and Liu, Zichuan and Zhou, Xingyu and Shi, Weisong}, booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Operations, Services and Technologies (MOST)}, pages={260--268}, year={2024}, organization={IEEE} }