This repository is C++ OpenCV implementation of Stereo Visual Odometry, using OpenCV calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
for feature tracking.
Reference Paper:
Demo video:
OpenCV 3.0
If you are not using CUDA:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
If you use CUDA, compile and install CUDA enabled OPENCV. check
Tested on KITTI odometry dataset.
git clone
The system use Camera Parameters in calibration/xx.yaml, put your own camera parameters in the same format and pass the path when you run.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
./run /PathToKITTI/sequences/00/ ../calibration/kitti00.yaml
Thanks to temburuyk, the most time consumtion function circularMatching()
can be accelerated using CUDA and greately improve the performance. 60~80 FPS on a decent NVIDIA Card.
To enable GPU acceleration
- Make sure you have CUDA compatible GPU.
- Install CUDA, compile and install CUDA supported OpenCV
- When compiling, use
cmake .. -DUSE_CUDA=on
- Compile & Run