Solutions in Kotlin, the most fun language on the planet!
My solutions to the ingenious Advent Of Code 20231 by Eric Wastl.
This is my sixth seventh year of Advent of Code coding in a row - my body gets trained again to get up at 5:45 in the
morning for almost a month... the addiction is real! This year even more coders are saving Christmas using Kotlin -
thanks to JetBrains' support and their cool content! Thx, Sebi
If you are into programming, logic, maybe also a little into competition, this one is for you as well!
Advent of Code – An annual event of Christmas-oriented programming challenges started December 2015. Every year since then, beginning on the first day of December, a programming puzzle is published every day for twenty-five days. You can solve the puzzle and provide an answer using the language of your choice.