Supported file formats are .las, .laz, .e57, .ply, .pts, .yxh, ascii
Import a point cloud file
hum import mylaserscan.laz path/to/my/store scan1
and view it like this:
hum view path/to/my/store scan1
ProTip: A store can hold multiple point clouds. Just use different keys.
Advise: If your graphics card does not support Vulkan, use -gl
to switch to OpenGL rendering.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd hum
Build the project:
Deploys executable hum.exe
to ./pub
usage: hum <command> <args...>
info <filename> print point cloud file info
import <filename> <store> <id> import <filename> into <store> with <id>
[-mindist <dist>] skip points on import, which are less
than given distance from previous point,
e.g. -mindist 0.001
[-n <k>] estimate per-point normals
using k-nearest neighbours,
e.g. -n 16
[-ascii <lineformat>] import custom ascii format
e.g. -ascii "x y z _ r g b"
format symbols
position : x, y, z
normal : nx, ny, nz
color : r, g, b, a
color (float) : rf, gf, bf, af
intensity : i
skip : _
view <store> <id> show point cloud with <id> in given <store>
[-gl] use OpenGL instead of Vulkan
[-vulkan] use Vulkan (default)
[-near <dist>] near plane distance, default 1.0
[-far <dist>] far plane distance, default 5000.0
[-fov <degrees>] horizontal field-of-view, default 60.0
keyboard shortcuts
<A>/<D> ... left/right
<W>/<S> ... forward/back
<+>/<-> ... camera speed
<P>/<O> ... point size (+/-)
<T>/<R> ... target pixel distance (+/-)
<C> ....... cycle color scheme
(colors, classification, normals)
<↑>/<↓> ... octree level visualization (+/-)
download <baseurl> <targetdir> bulk download of point cloud files
scans webpage at <baseurl> for hrefs to
files with known file extensions and
download to <targetdir>
gui start in GUI mode
This software is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0.