(0) The included data files are for the Heliconius examples used in the paper. To run bpp4, using a command like the following
bpp --cfile bpp-D-noncod.ctl
This generates an MCMC sample file called h_mel_tim_num_noncod_mcmc_L500_small.txt.
(1) The program bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc is for processing the MCMC sample file from bpp4 under the bidirectional introgression (BDI) model to remove label switching.
To compile the program bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc.c, cd to the src/ folder and try the following
cd src
cl -Ox bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc.c minsub.c
cc -O2 -o bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc.c minsub.c -lm
(2) To run the program, use the following command.
bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc <phi_X-column> <phi_Y-column> <theta_X-column> <theta_Y-column>
bpp-msci-D-process-mcmc ../data/h_mel_tim_num_noncod_mcmc_L500_small.txt 12 13 6 7
The first command-line argument is the mcmc sample file. This lists the sampled parameters in a spreadsheet separated by spaces or tabs. The four integers specify the columns in the mcmc sample file for the four parameters involved in the unidentifiability: phi_X, phi_Y, theta_X, theta_Y. From the bpp output, column 0 has Gen for MCMC generations. When the program runs, it prints out the variable names for those columns, like the following:
200000 records, 12 variables phi_x phi_y theta_x theta_y: phi_X phi_Y theta_4X theta_5Y
Check to make sure that the correct columns are identified and the printout is correct. The program creates three files, with "_processed", "_processed_CoGN", "_processed_CoG0" in the names. These can be read in Tracer or read by bpp4.5.0 or later to summarize the posterior, as follows.
bpp --summary --cfile bpp-D-noncod.ctl
The post-processing algorithms have been implemented in bpp since version 4.5.0, so they are automatically run when you fit the bidirectional introgression (DBI) model or the double-DBI model.
Yang Z, Flouri T. 2022. Estimation of cross-species introgression rates using genomic data despite model unidentifiability. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10.1093/molbev/msac083