This demo was part of a technical webinar workshop: "Real Time Monitoring with Hadoop" and "Search Workshop"
Slides and webinar recording are available at
The updated version of this demo that works with HDP 2.2 sandbox is available here
Monitor Twitter stream for S&P 500 companies to identify & act on unexpected increases in tweet volume
Ingest: Listen for Twitter streams related to S&P 500 companies
- Monitor tweets for unexpected volume
- Volume thresholds managed in HBASE
- HDFS (for future batch processing)
- Hive (for interactive query)
- HBase (for realtime alerts)
- Solr/Banana (for search and reports/dashboards)
- Update threshold values based on historical analysis of tweet volumes
Demo setup:
- Either download and start prebuilt VM
- Start HDP 2.1 sandbox and run provided scripts to setup demo
- Prebuilt VM option
- Setup demo manually option
- Kafka basics - optional
- Run demo to monitor Tweets about S&P 500 securities in realtime
- Observe results in HDFS, Hive, Solr/Banana, HBase
- Import data into BI tools - optional after copying into ORC table
- Other things to try - optional
- Reset demo
There is a prebuilt VM available with the Twitter streaming/search demo ready which can be downloaded from here
Download the ova and import into VM Ware Fusion and start the VM
Make sure HDFS, Hive, HBase, Storm are up via Ambari
Run below to start Solr and sumbit Storm topology to listen for Tweets
Run below to start the Kafka producer that generates the Tweets using Twitter4J
Observe results following steps here
These setup steps are only needed first time
- Download HDP 2.1 sandbox VM image (Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova) from Hortonworks website
- Import Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova into VMWare and configure its memory size to be at least 8GB RAM
- Find the IP address of the VM and add an entry into your machines hosts file e.g. sandbox
- Connect to the VM via SSH (password hadoop)
- Pull latest code/scripts
git clone
- This starts Ambari/HBase and installs maven, kafka, solr, banana, phoenix-may take 10 min
source ~/.bashrc
- Open Ambari using admin/admin and make below changes under HBase>config and then restart HBase
- Start storm via Ambari
- Twitter4J requires you to have a Twitter account and obtain developer keys by registering an "app". Create a Twitter account and app and get your consumer key/token and access keys/tokens: > # > create new app > fill anything > create access tokens
- Then enter the 4 values into the file below in the sandbox
vi /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/kafkaproducer/
#check if kafka already started
ps -ef | grep kafka
#if not, start kafka
nohup /opt/kafka/latest/bin/ /opt/kafka/latest/config/ &
#create topic
/opt/kafka/latest/bin/ --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
#list topic
/opt/kafka/latest/bin/ --zookeeper --list | grep test
#start a producer and enter text on few lines
/opt/kafka/latest/bin/ --broker-list --topic test
#start a consumer in a new terminal your text appears in the consumer
/opt/kafka/latest/bin/ --zookeeper --topic test --from-beginning
#delete topic
/opt/kafka/latest/bin/ kafka.admin.DeleteTopicCommand --zookeeper --topic test
Review the list of stock symbols whose Twitter mentiones we will be tracking
Generate securities csv from above page and review the securities.csv generated. The last field is the generated tweet volume threshold
cat /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/fetchSecuritiesList/securities.csv
- Optional step for future runs: can add other stocks/trending topics to csv to speed up tweets (no trailing spaces). Find these at
sed -i '1i$HDP,Hortonworks,Technology,Technology,Santa Clara CA,0000000001,5' /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/fetchSecuritiesList/securities.csv
sed -i '1i#mtvstars,MTV Stars,Entertainment,Entertainment,Hollywood CA,0000000001,40' /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/fetchSecuritiesList/securities.csv
- Open connection to HBase via Phoenix and check you can list tables
- Make sure HBase is up via Ambari and create Hbase table using csv data with placeholder tweet volume thresholds
- notice securities data was imported and alerts table is empty
select * from securities;
select * from alerts;
- create Hive table where we will store the tweets for later analysis
hive -f /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/stormtwitter-mvn/twitter.sql
- Ensure Storm is started and then start storm topology to generate alerts into an HBase table for stocks whose tweet volume is higher than threshold this will also read tweets into Hive/HDFS/local disk/Solr/Banana. The first time you run below, maven will take 15min to download dependent jars
cd /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/stormtwitter-mvn
- Other modes the topology could be started in future runs if you want to clean the setup or run locally (not on the storm running on the sandbox)
./ runOnCluster clean
./ runLocally skipclean
open storm UI and confirm topology was created
In a new terminal, compile and run kafka producer to generate tweets containing first 400 stock symbols values from csv
Open storm UI and drill into it to view statistics for each Bolt, 'Acked' columns should start increasing
Open HDFS via Hue and see the tweets getting stored (note not all tweets have long/lat):
- Open Hive table via Hue. Notice tweets are being streamed to Hive table that was created:
- Open Banana UI and view/search tweet summary and alerts:
For more details on the Banana dashboard panels are built, refer to the underlying json file that defines all the panels
In case you don't see any tweets, try changing to a different timeframe on timeline (e.g. by clicking 24 hours, 7 days etc). If there is a time mismatch between the VM and your machine, the tweets may appear at a different place on the timeline than expected.
Run a query in Solr to look at tweets/hashtags/alerts. Click on 'Query' and enter a query under 'q'. Examples are doctype_s:tweet and text_t:AAPL. You can choose an output format under 'wt' and click 'Execute Query'.
You can also search using Solr's APIs. The below displays all alerts in JSON format*%3A*&df=id&wt=json&fq=doctype_s:alert
- The SolrBolt code showing how the data gets into Solr is shown here
- The SolrBolt code showing how the data gets into Solr is shown here
Open connection to HBase via Phoenix and notice alerts were generated
select * from alerts
- Notice tweets written to sandbox filesystem via FileSystem bolt
vi /tmp/Tweets.xls
- kill the storm topology to stop processing tweets
storm kill Twittertopology
- To stop producing tweets, press Control-C in the terminal you ran
- Create ORC table and copy the tweets over:
hive -f /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/stormtwitter-mvn/createORC.sql
- View the contents of the ORC table created:
- Grant select access to user hive to the ORC table
hive -e 'grant SELECT on table tweets_orc_partition_single to user hive'
- On windows VM create an ODBC connector called sandbox with below settings:
Host=<IP address of sandbox VM>
Hive Server type=Hive Server 2
Mechanism=User Name
- Import data from tweets_orc_partition_single table into Excel over ODBC Data > From other Datasources > From dataconnection wizard > ODBC DSN > sandbox > tweets_orc_partition_single > Finish > Yes > OK
- Instead of filtering on tweets from certain stocks/hashtags, you can also consume all tweets returned by TwitterStream API and re-run Note that in this mode a large volume of tweets is generated so you should stop the kafka producer after 20-30s to avoid overloading the system It also may take a few minutes after stopping the kafka producer before all the tweets show up in Banana/Hive
mv /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/fetchSecuritiesList/securities.csv /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/fetchSecuritiesList/securities.csv.bak
- To filter tweets based on geography open below file and uncomment this line and re-run
vi /root/hdp21-twitter-demo/kafkaproducer/
- This empties out the demo related HDFS folders, Hive table, Solr core, Banana webapp and stops the storm topoogy
- If kafka keeps sending your topology old tweets, you can also clear kafka queue
rmr /group1