Clone this repo and cd into it.
git clone
cd tf_tutorial
Make sure that you have virutalenv
pip3 install virtualenv
Now we will create a virtualenv. Follow the steps for your operating system
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
If you have an NVIDIA card and want it to be utilized by TF, you can follow the instructions for GPU. Otherwise follow the CPU instructions.
pip3 install -r requirements_cpu.txt
pip3 install -r requirements_gpu.txt
In addition, you will have to have CUDA 9.0 and cuDNN installed.
- Install CUDA 9.0 from here:
- Install cuDNN by following instructions for your specific platform here. Make sure to downlad the cuDNN specifically for CUDA 9.0:
- On Windows, GPU version of Tensorflow only supports Python 3.5.x
Install new kernel for the jupyter notebook
ipython kernel install --user --name=tf_tutorial
Star the jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook