A GUI programme that plots arbitrary user-entered functions (Polynomials in One Variable). made as one of the summer training Qualification tasks of Master Micro. Requirements
- Write a GUI programme that plots arbitrary user-entered functions.
- Take a function of x from the user, e.g., 5x^3 + 2x.
- Take min and max values of x from the user.
- The following operators must be supported: + - / * ^.
- The GUI should be simple and beautiful (well organized).
- Apply appropriate input validation to the user's input.
- Display messages to the user to explain any wrong input.
- You may use programming language and platform of your choice.
- Your code should be well organised and well documented. The application has three main inputs: function, min, and max.
the input must be at the form (number * x ^ powre) e.g, 5*x^3+8 not 5x^3+8
In the case of negative power and range from negative to positive, the point at x=0 is undefined, so it's replaced with a very small value that approaches zero.