See in more detail the amount of your product stock, and see every purchase or sale. You don't need a barcode scanner to increase or decrease the number of your products, because with the Android Application, you can scan barcodes quickly and efficiently.
- Add user
- Delete user
- Register new user sent to email token
- Forget password
- Role user
- Edit user profile
- List Product
- Full API
- Export data to PDF or XLS
- Generate invoice
- Export invoice to PDF or XLS
- Dowload the barcode (EAN13)
- More
- admin
- staff
- Pass : 1234567890
- User :
(You need install Inventory Stock With Scanner on Google Play for attendance) this system can't working without the application
This application can't working without Inventory Stock With Scanner application, so please download first on Google Play.
1. Download & extract the file and place it in a public folder on your hosting
2. Import the SQL file (inventory_store.sql)
3. Settings
Settings Database go to (.env)
4. Try to visit your website (http://YourDomainName/inventory-stock-system/public/#)
5. Finished for the system management
1. Build the android project from Android Studio or another software. You can testing with your Android smartphone, or build the app-debug.apk and install it to your Android smartphone. More info visit this Build and run your app
2. Go to -> Settings
3. Fill the data such as the URL where system is located, and the KEY (get the key form management system, log in first -> after that go to Company Details-> and you can find the KEY, another way you can just scan the QR and automatic will save the data).
4. Finished for the installations.
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The MIT License (MIT).
Copyright (c) 2019, Abed Putra.
Please feel free to send me an email if you have any problems. Thank you so much, my email :