- React.js
- Axios.js
- Express.js
- Weather API
- Server side
- Uses the Weather API to get geo data and weather data based on geo data.
- Frontend
- Able to get input from user.
- Displays weather averages of the place selected.
- Displays weather data on a graph.
- Scalability
- User Interface has a toolbar which could include pages in the future.
- Graph could be allowed to take various data through additions on the certain Components.
- Weather data calculations are made by the developer which makes the data displayed versatile. The API is only used to grab general weather data.
- Use data from different cities.
- Displays weather data with a graph.
- Calculations on the data
- Scalable
- Eventually a locator to have a default city
- Select City - Eventually autofill
- Bar graph - displays weather in days according to a button
- Could transform according to API used (issued through the button pressed)
- UseEffect [] -> default API method. Run the method
- On method change -> new API method runs
- No graph shown at default
- Buttons
- Just to switch API methods
- Calculation
- Average
- Using data from a component state
- Includes a quote which is an output from a number range.
- Average
- Additionals?:
- Use a locator to have a default city
- F to C
- Make the backend
- Order the page cells
- Calculate Average Data from the API data
- Be able to pass requests from user into the API (city, buttons)
- Bar graph