Method: Get
Returns: Json of objects with the following fields ['location','species','date'], 200 response code
Source: data_visualization()
Method: Post
Accepts: Json of ["location", "species", "size", "binStart", "binEnd", "Probability", "Models"]
Returns: Json of ["Model": "[data1, data2, .... dataN]"], 200 response code
Source: new_entry()
Where the flask logic is
Tests website by making 1000 entries
Does all the logic for generating data for each model
##index.html Navigation of site, links to custom, example, and data
##custom.html The user interface for adding data and viewing models
##example.html Testing the logic and backend with a prefilled entry values
##data.html Displays the collected data by date, species, and locations
##addfields() adds an input to div class=gen_forms
##removefields() removes input from div class=gen_forms
##createbins() adds multiple bins at once
##checksum() makes sure that probs add up to 100
##showbins() Makes bins visible
##showgraphs() Makes graphs visible
##hideentry() Hides entry div
##openModal() starts the fade in and the loading gif
##closeModal() stops fade in and hides the loading gif
##powerlaw() displays powerlaw graph
##threshold() displays threshold graph
##log_threshold() displays log threshold graph
starts loading gif and loads data and builds graphs hides gif after loading is complete
makes graphs for data.html
holds the css for the loading gif and fade out
##images all images used by site
javascript source code for libraries used and css and imgs