- Generate Non-repeating random number within 1 (inclusive) to 5000 (inclusive)
It is divided into 4 parts.
Components : Contains modular react components. (RandomNumber) RandomNumber uses RandomNumberGenerator util to generate random number at a regular interval for a given period and showcase using NumberView reusable component.
Containers : Contains Page level react components which holds different components at a page level. (HomeScreen) HomeScreen holds RandomNumber as a child component.
Reusable : Reusable react components (NumberView). NumberView just renders the given number as a props with some optional animation.
utils : Utility classes like RandomNumberGenerator which generates non repeating random numbers within given range inclusive of both bound limit.
- flow
- react-scripts
- yarn
- jest
In order to use this program, you need to add jest for testing purpose.
* cd to the directory (contains package.json)
* execute yarn install (if not done)
* execute yarn build
* execute yarn start
This will start a development server (using webpack).
Once you've started the development server, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to get started and view number appears in non-repeating random order.
* cd to the directory (contains package.json)
* execute yarn install (if not done)
* execute yarn build (if not done)
* execute yarn test
Test Suite contains 4 different test cases.
It should print :-
Test Suites: 3 passed, 3 total
Tests: 4 passed, 4 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.783s
Ran all test suites.
if you have trouble running it you can get in touch with me on my email id.
email id:
Name: Abhishek Kumar