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Please visit below repositories for some of the Data Structure implementations in C#.
1. Linked List
Basic operation on a linked list. Insertion,Deletion, Reversal of items from linked list.
2. Hash Table
Implementation of HashTable ADT. Add,Retrive data from hashtable.
3. Graph
Differnent implementation of graph. Finding path between two nodes. BFS and DFS implementation.
Few problems Knapsack Problem,Finding number of subset with given sum, Finding nth Fibonacci Number,Egg Dropping Problem solved using dynamic programming approach. You can find more information on CSDojo | 0-1 Knapsack
Implementation of sorting algorithms Selection Sort,Insertion Sort,Bubble Sort,Merge Sort,Quick Sort. You can find more information on sorting on MycodeSchool
Few Miscellaneous Problems on String,List,Array,Mathematical etc etc has been solved here. You can find more such problems on sorting on GeeksforGeeks