The Application is to help students wh oare having a hard time with teh vocab-in-context questions on the SAT. The app helps create a way to interactively mesaure your progress over time and view them as a graphing chart.
The technologies that I used were Firebase, GraphView, and JSON Parsing. I was able to store login information through authentication using Firebase. I used this and cahed information on the phone to be able to # with different accounts and have different data show up (ie: Graphs and Quizzes Completed). In order to visualize the progress, I used GraphView and was able to properly graph my points and display them to the user. After this, I implemented a sequential Typewriter script to make the app seem smooth and professional. I parsed the JSON from my large data set and distributed them into their serialized classes. Finally, to have the quiz system flipper, I used a small animation library to help me implement it which is licensed under MIT. I implemented a custom quiz system which saved progress and tracked growth, which enables the user to improve themselves and to see all their best and worst scores on the graph.
What I learned through developing this app was to develop assets and learn how to do UI differently from the normal way. I created custom buttons and had designed my own graphics for the home page of the app from scratch! It was a truly great learning experience on building a real viable application. I do really hope that someone can learn from what I did. This also personally has helped me learn words for the SAT as well. It was a well rounded use of my time learning Android Development!
This code is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. The images and logo, etc. are licensed under the terms of: