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Docker image of a Solr instance ready to be used as an AkSearch Solr backend and MARC data import environment.

As in solr:7 the Solr is installed in /opt/solr/server/solr.

AkSearch repository is cloned into /opt/aksearch. /opt/aksearch/import/*properties files have Solr port fixed (AkSearch assumes Solr works on port 8080 while by default it works on 8983).

Run with with e.g.:

docker run --name aksearch-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -v aksearch-solrdata:/opt/solr/server/solr/mycores acdhch/aksearch-solr

Solr memory

Use SOLR_JAVA_MEM, GC_TUNE and OOM environment variables to tune Solr memory management. See default values defined in the Dockerfile.

Importing MARC data

Enter container, e.g. with docker exec -ti aksearch-solr bash and:

  • If you want to import a single file: cd /opt/aksearch && ./ pathToTheMarcFile.
  • If you want to import all files in a directory: cd /opt/aksearch && harvest/ -m -d pathToTheMarcDir.
    • Be aware the script writes logs into pathToTheMarcDir/log directory by default and fails if it's unable to create/write to this dir. If you run into such trouble consider using the -z switch to turn off logging to files (and you will still get log on the console and you can redirect it to a file).
    • The /opt/aksearch/harvest/ wrapper assures the import isn't run until the previous one finished.

Similarly you can use other import scripts shipped with AkSearch (/opt/aksearch/harvest/, /opt/aksearch/ and others).

Importing sample MARC data

  • Login into running container, e.g. docker exec -ti aksearch-solr bash.
  • Download, decompress and import sample data:
    curl -L '' > /tmp/marc.xml.gz
    gunzip /tmp/marc.xml.gz
    cd /opt/aksearch && ./ /tmp/marc.xml
    rm /tmp/marc.xml
  • Exit the container with exit.

Importing complete test dataset

  • Log into the running container as root, e.g. docker exec -u root -ti aksearch-solr bash.
  • Download the dataset over OAI-PMH using the VuFindMinimal set and make it look like the VuFind download script results:
    curl '' | tail -n +5 | grep -v '^</metadata>' > /tmp/records.xml
    echo "<collection>" > /tmp/records2.xml
    cat /tmp/records.xml >> /tmp/records2.xml
    echo "</collection>" >> /tmp/records2.xml
    mv /tmp/records2.xml /tmp/records.xml
  • Import the data with
    /opt/aksearch/ /tmp/records.xml
  • Alternatively you can harvest the set via OAI-PMH (in the AkSearchWeb Container)
    /var/www/vufind/harvest/ bib_almamin
  • And subsequently import it with the batch import script (back here in the AkSearchSolr):
    cd /opt/aksearch && harvest/ -m -d -p /opt/local/import/ /opt/harvest/bib_almamin
    # note that the -m flag set here will not move the data after indexing
  • The script will clear the core and trigger an import with the options set above
    /opt/local/ bib_almamin

Importing a given Alma record

  • Find Alma record's MMS_ID
  • Log into the running container as root, e.g. docker exec -u root -ti aksearch-solr bash.
  • Download the record over OAI-PMH skipping the OAI-PMH envelope:
    curl '{MMS_ID}' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 > /tmp/record.xml
    curl '' | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 > /tmp/record.xml
  • Import the record with
    /opt/aksearch/ /tmp/record.xml

Using own MARC

Just mount it into the container and set the VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR environment variable in a way $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/import/ points to your MARC import properties file, e.g.:

docker run --name aksearch-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -v aksearch-solrdata:/opt/solr/server/solr/mycores \
  -v -e VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR=/opt/localcfg \

Act accordingly for any other configuration file.

Triggering full reindex

If you want all data to be removed and reingested, run inside the docker container


Known issues

  • This image runs Solr on port 8983. If you are using your own file, you may need to adjust the solr.hosturl configuration property.
  • If gives you
    FATAL [main] ( - ERROR: Error while invoking main method in specified class: org.solrmarc.driver.IndexDriver
    java.lang.LinkageError: loader org.solrmarc.driver.Boot @3fee733d attempted duplicate interface definition for org.ini4j.Persistable. (org.ini4j.Persistable is in unnamed module of loader org.solrmarc.driver.Boot @3fee733d, parent loader 'app')
    it means it messed up with paths.
    Running from the directory where should solve the issue (see examples above - cd /opt/aksearch and then harvest/ -m -d pathToTheMarcDir).
    • The precise reason is stated in logs a few lines above and looks more or less like that:
      DEBUG [main] ( - Number of homeDirStrs: 3
      DEBUG [main] ( - homeDirStrs[0]: /usr/local/vufind/import
      DEBUG [main] ( - homeDirStrs[1]: /opt/aksearch/harvest/../import
      The issue here is that the third homeDirStrs (which isn't printed in the log) is the directory and it duplicates with /opt/aksearch/harvest/../import leading to duplicated class imports.


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